Jose Salcedo, First Degree Master, Ohara School of Ikebana
Demonstration, Luncheon and Workshops

Luncheon – Wednesday March 8, 2023
St Petersburg Yacht Club, 11 Central Avenue, St Petersburg, FL 33701
Complimentary self or valet parking
Doors of the Ballroom open at 9:30
Demonstration starts at 10:30
Luncheon starts at 12:00
Basket Raffle to follow
Cost is $75.00
Workshops, Thursday, March 9, 2023
Workshops Are Almost Full
Garden Club of St Petersburg 500 Sunset Drive South, St Petersburg, FL 33707
10:30AM – 12 Noon Morning workshop. All materials included
12:00 Noon –1:00 Lunch is included if you take both workshops
1 – 2:30 PM Afternoon workshop. All materials included.
Attendees will bring their own containers & a bucket to take their materials home
Further information will be given at the close of registration – Cost of each workshop is $55.00
Registration deadline is February 25, 2023!
Workshops are full. Workshop registrations will be placed on a waitlist.
After submitting registration below, send luncheon and workshops fees by either mailing a check or paying online via Zelle.
Luncheon fee is $75. Each workshop is $55 (2 workshops $110).
Mail checks payable to Ikebana International Chapter #65 to
Ming Zhu, Treasurer
5140 Pinnacle Dr.
Oldsmar, FL 34677
Use Zelle to pay electronically, selecting [email protected], Ikebana International Chapter 65 to send payment.