Events 2024-2025
Programs run from September through May on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Programs begin at 10 am followed by bring-your-own lunch . Workshops typically are provided in the afternoon.
The March Luncheon and January Exhibition are special events.
Until further notice, Program Meetings will take place at the Father Lopez Knights of Columbus Hall, 7177 58th St N, Pinellas Park, FL 33781. The Garden Club of St. Petersburg suffered extensive damage during Helene.
The meeting location for St. Petersburg Garden Club, 500 Sunset Dr. S, St. Petersburg

Let's Begin
September 16
Learn about the basic tools and techniques that every ikebanist uses featuring Jeanne Houlton. Workshops by school.

Opposites Attract
October 21
Demonstration by Sybille Ruschmeier using the concept of opposites as a means to jump start creativity. Workshops by school.

Learn About Ohara
November 18
Learn about the Ohara school from Susan Thorpe. Ohara workshop.

Around the World
December 16
Slide show of Art in Bloom around the world and videos of ikebana demonstrations with pot luck luncheon and social hour. No workshops

January 13
Kadomatsu is a traditional Japanese decoration of the New Year placed in pairs in front of homes to welcome ancestral spirits. Demonstrations by Laurel Fooks and Monique Noujaim. Workshops by school.

January 24-26
I. I. St. Petersburg Chapter#65 Annual Exhibition - The Colors of Japan at Westminster Suncoast Quak Center. Open to the public on 1/25 and 1/26

Creative, Unorthodox and Unconventional Containers
February 17
Demonstration by Patsy Beyer incorporating out of the ordinary containers. Workshop - Bring your own unusual container for workshop followed by show and tell.

Annual Luncheon
'Ikebana Christine'
March 19-20
Demonstration by special guest sensei , Sogetsu Jonin Sanyo teacher, Christine Donck-Guelton followed by lunch at St. Petersburg Yacht Club on 3/19. Workshops at Garden Club on 3/20. Workshops are for members only. The public are welcome to attend the luncheon. Check back later to register for luncheon.

Art In Bloom
Ikebana Style
April 21
Demonstrations interpreting art works through floral design. Afternoon group workshop interpreting your favorite work of art followed by show and tell . Also Election/Installation of Officers